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Special General Meeting (SGM) - Tuesday Sept 6th

A Special General Meeting of the Strata Plan BCS1430 will be held:

Date & Time: Tuesday, September 6th, 2022

Location: Clubhouse - 19378 65th Avenue

The SGM is being convened to allow a vote on the following items:

  1. Resolution # 1 - Contingency Reserve Fund Withdrawl of Up To $15,000.00 to replace/update gym equipment.

  2. Resolution # 2 - By-Law update to include addition of the installation of approved 'mini-split' style air conditioners

  3. Resolution #3 - By-Law update to allow the installation of Video Surveillance on common property - 'Peephole' Cameras on hallway doors.

  4. Resolution #4 - By-Law update that expands the existing wording of Realtor lock boxes to include all lock boxes placed on common property.

  5. Resolution #5 - A vote to repeal and replace the existing by-laws with those that include the Resolutions as approved / rejected in Resolutions #2 - #4 above

If you cannot attend the SGM, you may make your voice heard by completing a proxy form form and submitting it to Teamwork Property Management.

The Proxy form has been mailed to all owners, and is available for printout on the Pacific Quorum website portal.

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